Do you have racking inspections on a regular basis?

Remember it's a legal requirement!

It’s so important for any company with warehouse racking that you organize yearly racking inspections. Damaged or unsafe racking presents a significant risk in the workplace.  Any failures can have a significant impact on a warehousing operation. Including but not limited to;

  • loss of product
  • threat to human life
  • penalties including heavy fines and possible imprisonment.

As an owner, it’s your duty to maintain a safe working environment for your employees. It’s always best to appoint someone within the warehouse to carry out basic racking inspections. Keeping a close eye on your racking will ensure any issues are flagged regularly. On a yearly basis, we recommend using an external company to perform a full, in-depth analysis of your warehouse racking. When they perform an inspection, they will look at anything that could cause a safety threat. A traffic light system may be implemented to advise you on the severity of the issue.

Red would indicate high risk and would need to be fixed immediately.

Amber is important to fix but wouldn’t pose an instant threat.

Green, indicates a low risk but it is advised to keep a check on the risk and fix it sooner rather than later.

Staying vigilant when it comes to safety is key. This way you know the advice you receive is impartial. Total Interiors always recommend using a SEMA-approved inspector to ensure the Health and Safety standards are met.

When it comes to safety, you can never be too safe. It’s always best to ensure you provide a safe working environment for your employees. Having regular racking inspections as a warehouse owner would be the main solution to ensure the safety of your warehouse.

Click here to read more. If you would like more information regarding cantilever rack inspection, racking inspections, warehouse storage, or more solutions please feel free to contact us here, call us on 01905 757506, or email us at

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